Association between Combustible Cigarettes and Noncombustible Nicotine or Tobacco Products and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Based on Data from the 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2021
Sungkwon Cho, Joo-Hyun Park, Do-Hoon Kim, Hangseok Choi, Youngdoo Park, Hyun-Jin Kim, An-Na Lee, Junghwa Shin, Jaesun Ha
Korean J Fam Med. 2024;45(6):317-323.   Published online 2024 Mar 25     DOI:
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Comprehensive Health Strategies for the Post-pandemic Era: Integrating Physical Health, Psychological Resilience, Lifestyle Choices, and Occupational Well-being
Su Hwan Cho
Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2024; 45(6): 303.     CrossRef