Change of Selection to Antihypertensive Drugs in Hypertensive Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: In Pohang . Gyeongju Primary Care Research Network. |
Zu Young Yun, Dong Wook Lee, Hee Su Jung, Ki Hm Park, Sin Hyeong Lee, Jung Jae Park, Dong Ik Kim, Jae Man Ki, Kyung Rae Cho, Joon Seok Song, Seok Choi, Cheang Ho U, Tae Ho Jung, Sook Heong Jung, Sung Woo Kim, Ik Kim |
1Department of Family Medicine, Dongguk University, College of Medicine, Gyeonju, Korea. 2Pohang . Gyeongju Primary Care Research Network, Pohang, Korea. |
당뇨병이 동반된 고혈압 환자에 대한 항고혈압제 선택의 변화: 포항·경주 1차 의료 연구망을 중심으로 |
윤주영, 이동욱, 정휘수, 박기흠, 이신형, 박정재, 김동익, 기재만, 조경래, 송준석, 최석, 우창호, 정태호, 정숙형, 김성우, 김익 |
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Abstract |
Background Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers (ARBs) are compelling indication drugs for hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus. But prescription rate in 2005 year study of Pohang · Gyeongju area was only 30.8%. Therefore, a study on the change of prescription rate in the same area after 3 years was done.Methods: During three months from January 2008, 152 hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus on their prescribed antihypertensive medications by 9 family physicians in visiting order were analyzed. After the analysis, the infl uencing factors for such prescriptions were ascertained by directly visiting each physicians who prescribed them. Results: A regimen of 16 antihypertensive agents were prescribed by these family physicians. Prescription count of ACEIs or ARBs was 101 cases (66.4%). ACEIs single therapy was 19 cases (12.5%), ACEIs combination therapy was 7 cases (4.6%), ARBs single therapy was 31 cases (20.4%) and ARBs combination therapy was 44 cases (28.9%). The ACEIs or ARBs which were selected by physicians that followed "compelling indication" was 5 (55.6%), "excellent reduce pressure effect" was 3 (33.3%) and "public relations of new medicine" was 1 (11.1%).Conclusion: In prescribing antihypertensive agents for patients with diabetes mellitus, selection of ACEIs or ARBs was increased from 30.8% to 66.4%. Education of recommended standard by participating in such study and developing of excellent new medicines may increase such change. |
Key Words:
Diabetes Mellitus; Hypertension; Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors; Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers |