The effects of acupuncture treatment for smoking cessation: Preliminary study for high school student. |
Hee Cheol Kang, Kyng Kyun Shin, Sam Ho Choo, Hyuk Jung Kweon, Bang Bu Youn |
Department of Family Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. |
금연을 위한 금연침의 효과 - 고등학생을 대상으로 한 기초연구 - |
윤방부, 강희철, 신경균, 추삼호, 권혁중 |
Abstract |
Background : Smoking is the single most considerable factor, which may likely affect one's health most adversely. Therefore, an effective control upon smoking has been the most important issue for all of the practitioners. Furthermore, the latter's concern on the alternative medicine has been steadily mounting these days. Accordingly, a series of clinical group study has been mapped out in order to clarify the effect and the outcome of acupuncture treatment and its rate of success.
Methods : The survey has been conducted from April 7th, 1998 for six months with the voluntary help of 130 students as our study objects, who were the 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders at two metropolitan high-schools in Seoul. A basic questionnaire has been prepared and collected at the first interview. The acupuncture treatment has been alternately administered at each side of ears once a week for the respective object students and the information had been questioned in the survey. When 5 months lapsed with no treatment after the initial four weeks of intensive application, a further follow-up survey was repeated all over again(once every week for 4weeks and another after 6 months). for the analysis of our finding, the SAS V6.12 has been used together with the one was ANOVA test, t-test, and Cochran-Armitage trend test.
Results : Those who managed to stop smoking after the acupuncture treatment of one week, four weeks and six months respectively were found as follows; 2 students(61%), 12 students(37.5%), and 8 students(25%), proving that the success rate for smoking cessation after six months was 25%. Those who decreased their number of smoking more than half were; 13 students(39.4%), 15 students(46.9%), 25 students(75%). The number of withdrawal symptom and the smoking cessation as well as the smoking reduction rate were not found correlated each other. The frequency of their smoking, the frequency of the smoking attempt, the period of their abstinence from smoking, the facts whether their family members of relatives smoked or not, the FTQ(Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire), the frequency of their drinking and the motivation types of smoking(Why test) were found not influential upon the change of smoking tastes and their intensity of smoking wish by the treatment of the auricular acupuncture.
Conclusion : The change of smoking taste and the change on the intensity of smoking wish as the outcome of acupuncture treatment for the stop-smoking has been statistically significant. |
초록 |
연구배경 : 흡연은 건강에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 단일 요소이고, 금연중재는 국민의 건강을 책임지고 있는 가정의에게 가장 중요한 숙제이다. 또한 대체의학에 대한 관심이 높아져 이에 따른 이해를 위하여 이 침을 이용한 금연침의 효과 및 성공률을 알기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다.
방법 : 본 연구는 1998년 4월 7일부터 6개월간 서울시내 2개 고등학교의 1,2,3학년생 학생 130명을 추적 관찰하여 시행하였다. 연구 시작 당시까지 지속적인 흡연을 해오고 있는 학생들을 대상으로 학생들과의 첫 면담 시 기초 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 금연침을 4주 동안 1주일에 1회 양쪽 귀에 번갈아 시술하면서 금연침 시술 후 담배 맛의 변화, 흡연욕구의 변화, 1일 피우는 담배 개피수의 변화, 대표적인 니코틴 금단증상 9가지 중 발현하는 증상 개수를 설문을 통해 알아보았고, 5개월 후 같은 내용의 설문을 하여 추적 관찰하였다. 결과 분석은 SAS V6.12를 사용하였으며 One-way ANOVA test, t-test, Cochran-Armitage trend test를 이용하였다.
결과 : 금연 침 시술 후 1주, 4주, 6개월 후의 금연자는 각각 2명(6.1%), 12명(37.5%), 8명(25%)였고, 피운 담배 개수가 반 이상 감소한 사람은 각각 13명(39.4%), 15명(46.9%), 25명(75%)이어서 6개월 후의 금연 성공률은 25%였다. 금단 증상의 개수와 금연 및 감연율과는 상관관계가 없었다. 담배를 피운 횟수, 음주 횟수, 흡연유형(Why test)은 금연침에 의한 담배 맛 및 욕구의 변화, 금연성공률에 영향을 주지 못했다.
결론 : 금연침에 의한 담배 맛의 변화 및 흡연 욕구 변화는 통계적으로 의미가 있었다. 지속적인 금연성공을 위해서는 다양한 중재 방법이 함께 적용이 되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. |