Survey on the response to the evening clinic in a medium-sized city. |
Tae Min Cho, Duck Yeon Kim, Young Zoo Park, Hyung Moo Shim, Seung Real Yang, Chol Dong Oh, Eu Sik Jung |
한 중소도시의 가정의학과 저녁진료의 호응도에 관한 조사 |
김덕연, 조태민, 정의식, 오철동, 박영주, 심형무, 양승렬 |
예수병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
Background : It is very difficult for those who are engaged in day-time occupations to receive medical care, because most of the practice schedule is centered principally on daytime. Some of them may benefit greatly if there are some evening clinics. To ascertain the idea and decide whether we should begin the evening clinic, we surveyed about the extent of positive response to the evening clinic in a community.
Methods : We surveyed those who dwell in a medium-sized city during the month of August, 1991, and analyzed 600 people who had answered relatively sincerely about the actual usage of the medical services and response to the evening clinic.
Results : Of the 600 chosen respondents, 76.8% had positive response to the evening clinic, and 23.2% did not show any interest in the evening clinic. In analyzing the positive-response group, we found out the three most common types of their occupations were as follows in the order of frequency ; public servants, merchants, and office workers. The positive-response group responded more frequently than the negative-response group in the following answers : 'I don't make much use of hospitals, because my schedule don't fit to the practice schedule.' 'I have visited hospitals, but failed to receive medical cares, because the practice schedule was over.' 'I had to go to emergency room even without any emergency problems, because no medical clinic was available at night time.' 'I don't think the present practice hours are properly scheduled for everyone.' "The most convenient time for us to go to hospital is from 5 PM. to 9 PM.' In these responses, there was a statistically significant difference between the positive-response group and the negative-response group(P<0.05).
Conclusion : The people of survey area showed highly positive response to the evening clinic, especially high in those who had experienced inconvenience in the daytime-centered practice schedule. |
초록 |
연구배경 : 대부분 진료시간이 낮 시간에 편중되어 있어서 낮 시간에 바쁜 직업을 가진 사람들은 진료를 받는데 어려움이 많기 때문에 저녁진료가 필요할 것으로 생각되어 저자는 저녁진료를 시작하기에 앞서 지역사회주민들의 호응도에 대하여 조사하였다.
방법 : 1991년 8월1일부터 8월31일까지 한 중소 도시에 거주하는 지역사회 주민들을 대상으로 설문조사를 하여 비교적 성실하게 응답한 600례의 의료이용 실태와 저녁진료의 호응에 대하여 분석하였다.
결과 : 응답자 600례 중 저녁진료에 호응하겠다고 한 경우가 76.8%으로 비호응군 23.2%에 배해 많았다 호응군 중에서 직업별 빈도는 공무원, 상업, 회사원 등의 순이었다. 호응군에서 비호응군에 비하여 '시간이 맞지 않아 병원을 이용하지 않는다', '진료시간이 지나서 되돌아 간 적이 있다', '저녁시간에 응급상황이 아닌데도 진료받을 곳이 없어서 응급실을 찾았다','현재의 진료시간이 적절하지 않다','하루 중 진료받기 편리한 시간은 17에서 21시이다'라는 응답이 많았고, 통게학적 유의한 차이를 보였다.(P<0.05)
결론 : 지역사회 주민들이 저녁진료에 대한 호응도가 높았고, 낮 시간에 편중된 진료시간으로 불편이 많은 주민들에게 더 호응도가 높았다. |