A clinical study on the 414 cases of fibergastroscopy. |
Jae Hwa Choi, Hong Bae, Dong hun Lee, Hye Won Kim |
상부위장관 내시경 414 예의 임상적 고찰 |
최재화, 배홍, 이동훈, 김혜원 |
강서병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
One of the most frequent chief complaints at outpatient department is upper gastrointestinal symptom. Endoscopy is a necessary method in the observation of intragastric lesions. We reviewed 414 cases of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for diagnosis in primary care.
The results were as follows : 1. The ratio of male to female was 1:1.5, and the most frequent age groups were fourth, fifth and third decades which occupied about 75% of all cases. third and fourth decades were more frequent in men, and fourth and fifth decades were more frequent in women. 2. The most frequent chief complaints were epigastric pain, epigastric discomport and hunger pain. There were no significant differences of symptoms between men and women. 3. There were no significant associations between age groups and symptoms. 4. The findings of 205 cases(49.5%) were normal and 209 cases(50.0%) were abnormal. Normal findings were more frequent in women(64.2%) than in men(26.5%). 5. There were no significant associations between symptoms and endoscopic findings. 6. Abnormal findings were more frequent in old age group in both men and women. In conclusion, we obtained the results that there were no significant associations between symptoms and endoscopic findings, and abnormal findings were more frequent in old age group in both men and women. |