The influence of family factors on drinking behavior of university students. |
Byung Chul Lee, Hyun Ja Kim, Ko bong Lee, Young Ran Lee, Sang Mo Choi |
가족요인의 차이에 따른 대학생의 음주양상 |
이병철, 김연자, 이고봉, 이영란, 최상모 |
대림성모병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
In order to find out the differences in drinking behavior of university students according to the family factors, a study was performed at 3 universities (two in Seoul and one in provincial city) using questionnaire from June 1990 to August 1990. Total 993 students (761 were male and 232 were female) were included. Following results were obtained. 1. The drinking rate of all participants was 86.4%, which of male was 87.6% and female 81.9%. The percentage of 'frequent drinker' in the presence of habitual drinker among family members was greater than that in the absence, and in the absence of family members' opposition to drinking than in the presence. The percentage of 'frequent drinker' when their parents' principle of education was liberal was greater than that when conservative, and when their families religion was Christian than when others. 2. Among the motives of drinking, 'for social reason' ranked 44.2%, 'the curiosity' 22.1%,'the attraction by friends' 16.2%, and' for psychologic stability' 11.1%, in order. The percentage of those who chose 'for social reason' in the presence of habitual drinker among family members was greater than in the absence. But the percentage of those who chose' the attraction by friends' and the percentage of those who chose 'for psychologic stability' were greater in the presence of gabitual drinker among family members than in the absence. 3. The percentage of those who initiate drinking before the graduation from middle school ranked 1,971, before the graduation from high school 42.1% and after the graduation from high school 59.8%, respectively. 4. Those who responded 'no plan to quit drinking' ranked 56.4%. The percentage of those who responded 'surely will quit drinking' was greater when there was habitual drinker among family members, when there was all family members' opposition to drinking, when the parents' principle of education was conservative and when the income of their families was low. |