J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(7):46-51.
Published online July 1, 1991.
An analysis of the results of periodic health examination.
Hyung Yune Kang, Moon Jeong Kim, Sang Wha Lee, Hye Ree Lee, Bang Bu Youn
정기 건강검진의 결과 분석
강형윤, 김문종, 이상화, 윤방부
연세대학교 가정의학교실
The results of 2674 case with periodic health examination which were performed at hospitals located in were reviewed.
1. 544 cases(20.3%) were abnormal in the primary check-up, including hypercholesterolemia(24.4%), positive HBsAg(22.4%), high BP(17.3%), hyperglycemia(10.1%), elevated SGOT/SGPT(10.0%), abnormal finding of the chest x-ray(5.1%), low blood Hb(5.0%), positive VDRL test(2.0%), abnormal urine analysis(1.3%), hemorrhoid, skin lesion, lymphadenopathy, conjunctivitis.
2. Secondary check-up were applied to these 544 cases with the results of the followings ; Hepatitis B virus-related liver disease(34.2%), hypertriglyceridemia(22.7%), other liver disease(10.3%), diabetes mellitus(9.5%), hypertension(7.6%), anemia(7.65), serology-positive syphilis(3.1%), renal disease(0.85), pulmonary disease(0.65).
3. 37 cases among 54 cases with elevated SGOT/SGPT have abnormal LFT. (68.5%)
4. 34 cases among 55 cases with hyperglycemia are proven to have DM.(61.8%)
5. 81 cases among 133 cases with hypercholesterolemia are proven to have hypertriglyceridemia or abnormal HDL-cholesterol(60.9%)
6. 27 cases among 94 cases with high BP have abnormal EKG(28.7%)
7. 28 cases among 122 HBs Ag(+) cases have abnormal LFT.(23.0%)


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