A survey on the knowledge, attitude and practice of family medicinein patients admitted in Seoul Christian Hospital. |
Young Mi Kim, Dae Hong Min, Sang Hwa Lee, Dong Young Cho |
가정의학에 대한 인식도 조사 |
김영미, 민대홍, 이상화, 조동영 |
서울기독병원 가정의학과 민중병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
For a baseline survey on the knowledge, attitude and parctice of family medicine among patients admitted in Seoul Christian Hospital, a questionnaire survey was carried out during the period of April 1 through May 31, 1990. Among 300 patients, 224 patients responded the questionnaires. The results of this survey were as follows: 1. Total number of samples were 224. Among them male population was 134(59.8%) and female population was 90(40.2%). 2. The rate of respondents who have ever heard about family medicine was 71.9% and most of them it from the mass media. 3. The rate of respondents who thought that family medicine is necessary for the Korean medical system was 90.6%. 4. The rate of respondents who will register to family physician for their medical care was 83.5%. |