The analysis of the contents of telephone call service in theuniversity hospital. |
Yu Sun Kim, Woo Sung Sun, Eal Hwan Park, Tai Woo Yoo, Bong Yul Huh |
한 대학병언 가정의학과의 전화상담에 대한 분석 |
김유선, 선우성, 박일환, 유태우 |
서울대학교병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
Most primary care physicians are faced with continuous health care and this access is accomplished through the telephone because on-call arrangement is the traditional solution to patient care demands outside scheduled hours and provides a means by which the patient may interact with a health care provider at all times of day or night. For this purpose, we have given 24 hour telephone call service at Dept. of Family medicine, Seoul National University Hospital. We analysed the contents of 108 calls for 5 months(90.5.1~9.30) from the family members who are registered in the same department in terms of age, sex, chief complaint and counselling.
Followings are the result of the study ; 1. A total of 108 calls were received during the study period and an average of 0.7 call day were received. 2. Of the patients who called, 61.8% was female and 38.2% was male. 3. According to patient's age, divided into age groups of 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69year of age, the heighest number of patients were observed in age of 0-19 in male and in age of 30-49 in female. 4. When analysed by the type of caller, call from the patient was 51.4%, that from their relatives was 48.6%. 5. On weekdays, 76 calls were received and none on weekend, 32 calls were distributed throughout the day as follows; 40 calls(37.0%) were received by the physicians during daytime hours of 9AM to 3PM and 68 calls(63.0%) were received on after-hours. 6. The majority of the contents of calls were about the medical problems and diagnoses related to medical problems are recorded in the general categories of the international classification. The most common diagnoses are Gastrointestinal tract and Nervous and sense organ disease. 7. Most calls did not require a face to face visit as judged by the physician. So, of the calls, 44.8% were handled by the physicians with only information. |