The clinical studies on acute poisoning of infants and children visited the emergency room in rural area. |
Chang Hi Lee, Gyu Dong Choi, Hyeon Soo Han, Hye Heon Hwang, Myung Ho Cho |
농촌 지역 병원 응급실에 내원한 소아 급성 중독의 임상적 고찰 |
한현수, 황혜헌, 이창희, 조명호, 최규동 |
아산재단 정읍병원 가정의학과 아산재단 정읍병원 소아과 |
Abstract |
This is the clinical studies of 90 cases of acute poisoning in pediatric age, visited the emergency room of Jeong Eup General Hospital, during the past 3 years from Jan., 1986 to Dec., 1988. The following results were obtained. The incidence of acute poisoning among the emergency pediatric patients was 1.96%. The incidence was higher in boys than girls. The highest incidence was noted in the 1 to 3 year age group(28.9%), and followed by the 3 to 6 year age group (25.6%) and 13 to 15 year age group (23.3%). The peak incidence in a year was shown in April (16.7%), and August (14.4%) with prominence in spring and summer season. The accidental poisonings were frequent (67.8%) than suicidal or therapeutic purposes, which were 28.9% and 3.3% respectively. The accidental poisonings occurred most frequently from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. during the day. The causative substances were 19 kinds. The agricultural chemicals were most common(45.6%) and the next common agents were rodenticide (13.3%), acetic acid (7.8%) fly & mosquitocides (4.4%), antifungal agent (4.4%) in order of frequency. The clinical manifestations at emergency room were nausea & vomiting (46.7%), altered consciousness (22.2%), irritability(17.8%), bronchial secretion(16.7%), miosis(12.2%) in order of frequency. 25 cases(27.8%) of the patients were found incidentally without symptoms. Outcome at emergency room was admission (55.6%), discharge at E.R. (30%), transfer (6.7%) hopeless, discharge (4.4%), exdeathed (3.3%) in order of frequency. The most common duration of admission was 2-3days (56%). |