A clinical study on carcinoma of the cervix associated with pregnancy. |
Hye Jung Kim, Yong Hang Ahn, Kyung Mi Park, Eun Yon Cho, Seung Wook Yoon, Sung Rock Moon |
임신과 동바된 자궁경부암의 임상적 고찰 |
안용항, 김혜정, 박경미, 조은연, 윤승욱, 문성록 |
인천길병원 가정의학과 연세대학교의과대학 치료방사선과학교실 |
Abstract |
Sixteen cases of invasive carcinoma of the cervix associated with pregnancy that were treated at the Inchon Gil General Hospital from January 1978 through October 1989 were reviewed. Two of the sixteen cases treated by radical abdominal hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection, fourteen of the sixteen cases treated by radiation therapy. Age distribution of cervical cancer during pregnancy from 27 to 46 years and the average age was 36.5 years. Presenting symptoms in order of frequency were vaginal spotting(8 cases), contact bleeding(3 cases), low abdominal pain(2 cases), leukorrhea(1 cases), and two were asymptomatic. Accordig to distribution at the time of diagnosis, 8 cases were at the first trimester, 5 cases were at the second trimester, and 3 cases were diagnosed at the third trimester. According to the chinical stage, 9 cases were in stage Ⅱb, 6 cases were in stage Ⅲb, and one case was encountered in stage Ⅵ. Overall five year survival rate of sixteen patients were 46.7%. |