Health-promoting life styles of older adults compared with young and middle-aged adults. |
Min Soo Kim, Do Ho Bae, Chul Won Lee, Mee Kyung Oh, Bang Bu Youn |
대도시 노년층과 청장년층간의 건강증진 생활 태도에 관한 비교고찰 |
윤방부, 이철원, 오미경, 배도호, 김민수 |
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
The purpose of the study presented were to compare the health-promting behaviors of older adults with those of young and middle-aged adults to examine the relationship of age and other sociodemographic characteristics to life style throughout adulthood, and to identify differing lifestyle patterns. and to check out the problems among the older adults. Six dimensions of life sytle were measured by the 'Health-promoting Lifestyle Questionnaire' in 36 elderly and 76 young and middle aged adults. Older adults had lower scores (53.4±6.8) in overall health-promoting life styles than both young and middle aged group, but it had no significant statistical difference. It was remarkable that older adults had significant lower scores in the demension of smoking habits and prohibition of smoking. |