1차의료 사용자를 대상으로 한 위험인구의 추정에 관한 연구 |
이종구,허봉열, 김정순 |
서울대학병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
This study was conducted on the families and the patients registered to the FPMC in SNUH for Primary Care from September 1981 to June 1984. The objectives of the study are to estimate the population at risk in FPMC(SNUH) and to compare it's demographic characteristics with Seoul population for the validity and then to evaluate the stability of the population at risk by continuity care. Definition of terms was based on "International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care - 2-Defined" Appendix II-International Glossary for Primary Care. The Age-Sex Registration by intent method was taken for the estimation of population at risk. The results obtained were as follows: This study presents the results of census conducted as of June 30, 1984. 1. The total No. of family registration was 8384 and the total No. of registered family was 6,049 (72.1% of total family registration) The No. of active registered family was 5106 (84.4% of registered family) The No. of attending (current) family was 3,428 (56.7% of registered family) The average No. of household was 4.8. The No. of inactive registered family was 943 (15.6% of registered family) The follow-up results of from Sept. 1981 to June 1982 attending family for 2 years were as follows; at 1st years 41.4% and at 2nd year 30.8% of attending family received services, and within 2 years 49.2% of attending family received services. Of the new attending family from July 1982 to June 1983, 33.5% of new attending family received services for next 12 months. 2. Total No. of registered patient was 9718 (24.2% of total No. of household) The No. of attending patient was 5490 (56.5% of registered patient) and the No. of visit/attending patient/year was 2.9 (over 65 years of old, 4.2 and from 1 year of old to 9 years of old, 2.3) The No. of active registered patient in Seoul (population at risk) was 7953. The follow-up results of from July 1982 to June 1983 attending patient for 2 years were as follows; at 1st year 32.5% and at 2nd year 22.8% of attending patient received services and within 2 years 40.3% of attending patient received services. Of new attending patient from July 1982 to June 1983, 28.7% of new attending patient received services for next 12 months. 3. The No. of patient/family was 1.6, the No. of visit/family/year was 4.6 The follow-up results of active registered family and patient at June 30, 1983 for next 12 months were as follows; 2,922(75.6%) family became active registered family at June 30, 1984 and it's No. of active registered patient became 5,258 from 4615 (×1.1). 4. Doctor productivity was 119.3 patient visits/week/person. 5. Population at risk at June 30, 1984 in FPCM (SNUH) was 7,953 (92.8% of total No. of active registered patient) In conclusion in spite of lack of stability of the population at risk by continuity care the demographic characteristics of population at risk became resemble to the demographic characteristics in Seoul as the clinic was growing. |