A study on the characteristics of the patients who complain of edema. |
Chul Hwan Kim, Hong Kwan Seo |
부종을 호소하는 환자의 특성에 관한 연구 |
김철환, 서홍관 |
고려대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
Background : Primary care physicians frequently meet the patients who complain of edema. We carried out this study to know the characteristics of the patients who complained of edema and to evaluate the exact causes of edema.
Methods : There were 77 patients whose chief complains were various types of edema among 12,932 patients who had visited the Family Medicine Clinic of Seoul Paik Hospital from November 1992 to August 1993. We took their medical histroy, perfomed physical examination, and requested chest X-ray and laboratory tests such as CBC, serum BUN/Cr, Na/K, GOT/GPT, Albumin, HBsAg, TSH, Urinalysis with microscopic examination. And then we check the weight of 64 patients twice a day to evaluate their diurnal weight change.
Results : Among 77 patients, women were 67 persons(87.0%). There were 20 persons(31.3%), the healthy ones whose diurnal weight change was below 0.5kg were 9 persons(14.0%), and healthy people whose weight change was not checked were 35 persons(54.7%). In the respects of age, sex, Quetellet index, onset-time of edema, family history of edema, type of occupation, there were no statistically significant differences between the group who complained of edema and the range of diurnal weight change was over 0.5kg, and the other group who complained of edema but the range of diurnal weight change was below 0.5kg. But the patients who had suffered from idiopathic edema had longer duration of recently developed edema.
Conclusion : Among 77 persons there were 13 patients(16.9%) who had complained of edema and had organic problems that had made them have edema. |
초록 |
연구배경 : 가정의학과 외래 진료에서 흔하게 접하게 되는 부종환자의 특징과 그 원인을 밝히기 위하여 연구를 시행하였다.
방법 : 1992년 11월부터 1993년 8월까지 부종을 주소로 서울백병원 가정의학과 외래를 방문한 환자 77명을 대상으로이들의 일반적인 특성과 함께, 혈압 및 신체계측을 실시한 후 이학적 검사, 전혈검사(CBC), 혈중 BUN/Cr, Na/K, GOT/GPT, Albumin, HBsAg, THS등을 측정하고 요단백을 비롯한 요검사와 요현미경검경, 흉부엑스선검사를 실시하였다. 이러한 병력 청취와 이학적검사, 그리고 기타 생화학검사와 방사선검사에서 부종을 일으킬만한 기질적인 원인이 발견 |