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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2005;26(4):203-210.
Published online April 10, 2005.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use and Its Determining Factors among Patients with Rheumatic Disorder in Korea.
Tae Hyung Yoon, Hoon Ki Park, Dong Woon Han, Sang Cheol Bae, Ok Ryun Moon
1Institute of Health Care Management, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea. dwhan@hanyang.ac.kr
2Department of Family Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea.
3Department of Preventive Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea.
4Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea.
5School of Public Health at Seoul National University, Korea.
류마티스 질환 환자의 보완·대체의학 이용과 그 결정요인
: There is a widespread increase in the use of CAM by patients with rheumatic disease. This study was performed to identify the prevalence of CAM use and determining factors affecting CAM use by patients with rheumatic disease.

Methods : From October 23 to November 31 in 2003, face-to-face structured interviews were conducted in a rheumatology hospital in Seoul. A total of 182 patients with rheumatic disease, who visited the hospital, participated.

Results : CAM was used by 59.3% (95% CI=52.1∼66.2%) of the patients with rheumatic disease. The most common use of CAM was traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture and herbs. Demographic variables were not predictive for the use of CAM. As the duration of disease was longer, probability on CAM use was lower (odd ratio: 0.922, 95% CI=0.855∼0.994). CAM use on disabled people who registered were 4.623 (95% CI=1.105∼19.348) times higher than non-disabled.

Conclusion : CAM use is common in patients with rheumatic disease. The duration of disease and physical disability were the influencing factors for using CAM. These findings support a need for outcome studies on the effectiveness of CAM in rheumatic disease, as well as the improvement of providing patients with information on CAM usage.
Key Words: complementary and alternative medicine, medical care use, rheumatology
연구배경 : 만성 질환치료에서의 정체성, 화학약물의 오남용, 일부 질환의 근본치료법 부재 등의 현대의학의 한계점은 전 세계적으로 보완·대체의학의 수요를 증가시켰다. 이 연구는 만성질환인 류마티스 질환 환자에서 보완·대체의학의 이용현황과 그 결정요인을 분석하였다.

방법 : 2003년 10월 23일부터 11월 31일까지 한 대학병원 류마티스병원을 방문한 류마티스 환자 195명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고 182명이 응답하여 응답률은 93.3%였다.

결과 : 응답자의 86.3%가 여성이었다. 류마티스 질환 환자의 59.3% (95% CI= 52.1∼66.2%)가 보완·대체의학을 사용하였다. 보완·대체의학 이용 결정 요인 분석에서는 질병이환기간이 1년 증가하면 보완·대체의학 이용 가능성은 0.92 (95% CI=0.86∼0.99)배로 낮아지고, 장애가 있는 사람이 장애가 없는 사람에 비하여 대체의학 이용 가능성이 4.60 (95% CI=1.11∼19.35)배로 높았다.

결론 : 류마티스질환자의 60%에서 보완·대체의학을 이용하고 있고 신체장애를 동반하거나 질병이환 초기에 더 많이 이용을 한다. 류마티스질환자 관리에서 보완·대체의학에 대한 환자교육이 진단 초기에 필요하다.
중심 단어: 보완·대체의학, 의료이용, 류마티스 질환 환자


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