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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2002;23(6):787-793.
Published online June 30, 2002.
The Association between Blood Pressure and Bone Mineral Loss in Perimenopausal Women; A Cross Sectional Study.
Nam Wook Yoo, Sang Yeoup Lee, Young Joo Kim, Sang Han Choi, Yun Jin Kim
Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, Pusan National University, Korea. agiabba@orgio.net
폐경기 전후 여성에서 혈압과 골량 간의 단면적 연관성 The Association between Blood Pressure and Bone Mineral Loss in Perimenopausal Women; A Cross Sectional Study
부산대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실

Department of Family Medicine, College of Medicine, Pusan National University



The risk factors of bone mineral loss are known widely. Recently, the results were reported that high blood pressure is associated with abnormalities in calcium metabolism and sustained calcium loss may lead to increased bone mineral loss in people with high blood pressure. Therefore, we investigated the cross sectional association between blood pressure and bone mineral loss in domestic perimenopausal women.

Among 306 women who visited a university hospital in Busan for health exam from July 1999 to March 2001, we selected 150 women excluding those who received hormone replacement therapy or anti-osteoporotic medications, and have had vertebral surgery. We measured body weight, body mass index, daily calcium uptake, blood pressure (BP), and bone mineral density (BMD). The SPSS statistical program was used for statistical analysis and the test for correlation and partial correlation adjusted for age was used.

The total subjects consisted of 88 premenopausal and 62 postmenopausal women. In premenopausal women, after controlling for age, body weight (γ=0.222, P<0.05) and BMI (γ=0.234, P<0.05) were related to spinal BMD. In postmenopausal women, spinal BMD, after controlling for age, was related to only body weight (γ=0.396, P<0.01). In all the subjects, after controlling for age, body weight (γ=0.293, P<0.01), BMI (γ=0.239, P<0.01), and calcium intake per day (γ=0.235, P<0.01) were correlated with spinal BMD. In 48 women with high abnormal BP (systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg) after controlling for age, menopausal status, body weight, and spinal BMD was negatively correlated with systolic BP (γ=-0.321, P=0.03).

These results suggest that BP was not associated with bone mineral loss in perimenopausal women. In perimenopausal women with high abnormal BP, systolic BP was negatively correlated with BMD at the lumbar vertebrae.

중심 단어: 폐경기 전후, 골다공증, 고혈압, 무기질, 혈압, perimenopause, osteoporosis, hypertension, bone, mineral, blood pressure


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