Job analysis of family physicians in Korea. |
Hoon Ki Park, Jong Lull Yoon, Jae Ho Lee, Jee Hyuck Yim, Byung Wook Doh |
1Department of Family Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine. 2Department of Family Medicine, Hallym University College of Medidine. 3Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, Catholic University. 4Department of Family Medicine, Sanggye Family Clinic. 5Department of Family Medicine, Dr. Doh's Family Clinic. |
한국 가정의의 직무분석 |
박훈기, 윤종률, 이재호, 임지혁, 도병욱 |
1 2 3 4 5 |
Abstract |
Background : The role and future of family physician are not yet clearly determined even when 20 years lapsed since its introduction to korea. This study was conducted to establish identity of family physician, to develop pragmatic. curriculum of training, and to sort out frame of certification exam by analysing the job of family physicians who were practicing in community.
Methods : We analysed the job of practicing family physician by using DACUM(Development of Curriculum) method from March 11, 2000 through March 12. Job analysis team was composed of five practitioners, four professors, one facilitator, and one scriber. Six sessions of 2 hours were mainly devoted to brain storming of the idea related to family physician.
Results : Job analysis results are as follows. Family physician was defined as "primary care physician who provides primary medical service continuously and comprehensively by offering individual patient and/or family health promotion, disease prevention, and treatment of common illness". Family physician had seven duties and 129 tasks. The duty of physical exam had 18 tasks, duty of test, 21 tasks, duty of treatment, 40 tasks, duty of health promotion and disease prevention, 15 tasks, duty of patient/client, management, 12 tasks, duty of clinic management, 15 tasks, and self-development, 8 tasks respectively. Number of tasks whose impotance was classified as 'A'(very important) were 43 as total, 3 in physical exam, 7 in test, 9 in treatment, 11 in health promotion and disease prevention, 2 in patient/client management, 9 in clinic management, and 2 in self-development respectively. Number of tasks whose difficulty was classified as 'A'(very dif-ficult) were 19 as total. 2 in physical exam, 7 in test, 7 in treatment, 1 in clinic management, and 2 in self-development respectively. Number of tasks whose frequency was classified as 'A'(very frequent) were 22 as total, 6 in physical exam, 1 in test 8 in treatment, 3 in health promotion and disease prevention, 3 in patient/client management, and 1 in clinic management respectively. Number of tasks which were required for entry level were 74 as total, 18 in physical exam, 14 in test, 29 in treatment, 9 in health promotion and disease prevention, 3 in patient/client management, and 1 in clinic management respectively.
Conclusion : Family physicians in Korea perform 7 duties and 129 tasks. Seventy four tasks are required to enter into the job. |
초록 |
연구배경 : 한국 가정의의 역할과 미래는 아직도 불투명하다. 개원하고 있는 가정의의 직무를 분석함으로써 한국 가정의의 정체성을 확립하고, 가정의학 전공의 수련교육과정 개발의 기초자료를 제공하고자 연구를 수행하였다.
방법 : 2000년 3월 11일부터 12일까지 DACUM(Development of Curriculum) 직무분석 방법으로 개원한 가정의의 직무분석을 하였다. 직무분석팀은 가정의학 개원의 5명, 종합병원 봉직의 4명의 패널리스트와 직무분석 전문가 1인, 서기 1명으로 구성되었다. 매회 2시간 단위의 총 6회기의 브레인스토밍을 거쳐 최종적인 직무기술서가 얻어졌다.
결과 : 가정의란 “연령, 성별, 장기의 구분 없이 개인이나 가정을 대상으로 건강증진, 질병예방, 흔한 질환 치료를 함으로써 지속적, 포괄적으로 일차의료서비스를 제공하는 주치의”로 정의하였다. 가정의 직업은 직무영역(duty)이 7개, 수행작업(task)이 129개로 구성되었다. 각 직무영역별 수행작업 수는 각각 진찰 18개, 검사 21개, 치료 40개, 건강증진 및 질병예방 15개, 환자(고객)관리 12개, 의원 경영 15개, 자기계발 7개 항목이었다. 중요도가 A인 수행작업의 수는 총 43개였고 진찰 3, 검사 7, 치료 9, 건강증진 11, 환자관리 2, 의원경영 9, 자기계발 2개 항목이었다. 난이도가 A인 작업의 총수는 19개였고 진찰 2, 검사 7, 치료7, 의원경영 1, 자기계발 2개 항목이었다. 빈도가 A인 수행작업의 총수는 22개였고 진찰 6, 검사 1, 치료 8, 건강증진 3, 환자관리 3, 의원경영 1개 항목이었다. 취업 초기 필수 구비 능력요건에 포함되는 수행작업의 수는 각각 진찰 18, 검사 14, 치료 29, 건강증진 및 질병예방 9, 환자관리 3, 자기계발 1개로 총 74개 수행작업능력이었다.
결론 : 한국 가정의는 7개의 직무영역, 129개의 업무를 수행하며 취업초기에 꼭 필요한 수행업무능력은 74개이다. 앞으로 개원 가정의를 통한 직무기술서검증, 직무요건서 작성이 더 필요하다. |