A Comparison of Clinical Oncologists and Family Physicians toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine in South Korea: Perceptions, Attitudes and Physician-Patient Communication. |
Do Bum Chung, Yoon Jung Chang, Se Na Kang, Su Yeon Kye, Young Ho Yun, Dong Ryul Lee |
1Cancer Information and Education Branch, National Cancer Control Institute, National Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea. eunicemd@ncc.re.kr 2Cancer Management Branch, National Cancer Research Institute, National Cancer Center, Goyang, Korea. 3Department of Family Medicine, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea. |
보완대체요법에 대한 암 전문의와 가정의학 전문 의의 비교: 인식, 태도 및 의사-환자간 의사소통 |
정도범, 장윤정, 강세나, 계수연, 윤영호, 이동률 |
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Abstract |
Background Although, its efficacy is unclear, the application of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasing among patients worldwide. The physician's role is very important to help patients understand and use CAM properly. The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions, attitudes and physician-patient communication of about CAM in two distinguished specialty physicians. Methods: A web-based survey was performed to list oncologists and family physicians in Korea between May 2007 and July 2007. E-mails were sent to total of 5,429 physicians and 547 physicians replied on survey (response rate: 10.1%). Of them, 500 participants comprising 174 clinical oncologists and 326 family physicians were involved in this study. The study questionnaire consisted of 26 questions including questions about general characteristics of CAM and intentions of introduction and education to their patients. Results: Of 500 physicians, males were 73.4%, and 82.0% were middle-aged 30-49. Family physicians had more interest than oncologists about CAM (79.5% and 57.5%, respectively). In addition to, family physicians preferred introducing CAM to their patients than oncologists (34.1% and 18.4%, respectively). Almost 85% of the oncologists and family physicians thought that it was necessary to introduce CAM to their patients. However, 60.2% of them had hesitated their practice because 70.3% of them did not have suffi cient knowledge in CAM. Both specialty physicians responded that usefulness of CAM information when regarding practice, should contain evidence-based evaluation (59.2%) and consensus guideline(37.0%). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that most physicians did not have sufficient information regarding CAM(87.2%). The result implies that evidence based information on complementaryand alternative medicine should be offered in the national level to improve communication between physicians and patients. |
Key Words:
Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Clinical Oncologist; Family Physician; Perception; Attitude; Communication |