Korean Journal of Family Medicine



J Korean Acad Fam Med. 1994;15(4):251-264. Published online April 1, 1994.
Sung Ho Hong, Bong Suk Yu, Mi Young Yun, Ju Yeon Jo
: Thirteen years ago, The Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine was first published, through analysis of this journal, we can observe the staus of grouwth, development of further family medicine as a scientific and academic discipline.

Methods : An analysis was carried out by major content, type of paper, used statistical procedure and level of quality from 1981 to 1992 of The Journal of Family Practice(below JFP) and The Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine(below JKAFM).

Results : Total 2357 papers of various type have been published. Among the 2375 papers, in JFP 1484, in JKAFM 891 papers published. Compared with both research type, 48.9% JFP used review article, 41.6% used cross-sectional design, 60.7% JKAFM used review article, 41.6% used cross-sectional design, 60.7% JKAFM used review article, 29.4% used cross-sectional design. Compared with the both journal content, biomedical article comprised the largest category in both journal(49.7% JFP, 79% JKAFM). level of quality was 5.31 in JFP, 5.72 in JKAFM(P<0.05). Most frequently used statistical procedure were Chi-square test and T-test in both journal.

Conclusion : Family practice specialty began with no research tradition, and work in this new area has required development of research skill method, and organized approach. This result reflect willingness of family practice for comprehensive, continuous care as scientific and academic discipline.

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