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Author’s checklist

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  • Author’s checklist

Title of manuscript: _______________________________________________________

(confirm the following and check each item)

  • □  The manuscript is written on A4 sized paper with double space including references, and descriptions for tables, and figures
  • □  The manuscript has followed the order according to the regulation and each has been writt en on separate pages.
  • □  All abbreviations used in the manuscript have been confirmed to exist as officially designated terms listed on the website of Korean Academy of Family Medicine. If the abbreviation is not an officially designated term, it should be tagged in parenthesis when initially used.
  • □  The length of the manuscript does not exceed 5,000 words excluding the front cover, tables, figures, and references. The total number of tables and figures does not exceed more than seven.
  • □  General names are used for pharmaceutical products.
  • □  In the file of the original article, the name of the authors and their affiliation are excluded.

Front cover

  • □   In the front cover, the title of the article, the name of the authors, their affiliation, the contact address (telephone number, address, fax number, e-mail address, mobile phone number) of the corresponding author, in the case of funded research its source, the number of lett ers in the manuscript (excluding the front cover, tables, fi gures, and references), the number of words in the English abstract, and the number of tables and figures should be shown.
  • □  Authors in English should be written in the order of ‘given name, surname’ and if the given name is separated by a space, then capitalization of the fi rst lett er of each given name should be made.
  • □  The listed order of authors should follow the declaration of authorship in the regulation of the information for authors.
  • □  The title page file should be att ached separately from the original article when registering on the website.


  • □  The abstract is written in the order sequence of background, methods, results, and conclusion.
  • □  The abstract does not contain more than 250 words in total and three to ten keywords are provided which are listed in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the Index Medicus.


  • □  All references are listed in English.
  • □  Double space is used and marked in the order they are referred to in the main article.
  • □  All references are cited in the main article and marked with each number by superscript.
  • □  The name of the journal is listed by abbreviation from the Index Medicus.
  • □  It is confirmed that listing method of references and punctuation are in accordance with the guideline.
  • □  All the names of authors are listed if there are six or less in number; if they exceed 7 or more, the initial six authors are listed and the rest of the authors are displayed as “et al.” right aft erwards.
  • □  Abstracts, those in press or forthcoming cannot be used as reference and if referred to, they should be clarified.
  • □  Any online or electronic source material referred to abides by the principles of standard written format.
  • □  References are limited to 30 with the exception of review article.


  • □  All tables are shown in English.
  • □  Tables displayed are in accordance with the format of those shown in the homepage of the Korean Journal of Family Medicine.
  • □  Tables are self-explanatory and has not repeated any material from the main article or pictures.
  • □  Annotation symbols are used in the order sequence of *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, #, **.
  • □  Depending on the statistical method, the average, standard deviation (mean SD), the number of subjects or respondents, and the ratio or correlation coefficient value are provided.
  • □  The applied statistical method is listed on the annotated part of the table.
  • □  If the table has not been produced by the author, but has been cited from another source, the author should have approval from the relevant author and this should be remarked in the footnote of the table.

Figures and its descriptions

  • □  All figures and its descriptions are in English.
  • □  Even if the figures or pictures are reduced in size for publication, they should be sufficiently large and clear enough not be aff ected by the process.
  • □  Each figure or picture is confirmed from top to bott om and att ached with the file of the article.
  • □  Description for the figure is in double space and on diff erent page.
  • □  In illustrating a figure, use a bar or a line graph for average or proportion and list measures using standard deviation or standard error and should be given their P values.
  • □  Identify the applied statistical methods at the footnote of each figure.
  • □  If the figure is not original, the author should request permission from the relevant author for illustration and this should be remarked on the footnote of the figure


  • □  In the case of clinical studies, the approval of the IRB and patient’s consent must be received and stated on paper.
  • □  If there is a point of interest concerning funds, it should be elucidated.
  • □  Observance of the guiding principles on report recommendation is made.
  • □  Fee for reviewing the article has been sent.

The author(s) herein has checked the above items and with the anticipation that this article be published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine, agrees with the following:

  • 1. The author(s) of this article has (have) verified that its article is original and that it does not violate any other publisher’s rights of its articles nor does it contain matters that may disgrace or invade privacy and agree that the Korean Journal of Family Medicine should not be liable and should be spared any damage caused by any of the above.
  • 2. Author(s) has contributed to the establishment of the basic concept and the design of the study, and the analysis of its material and interpretation. Also, the author(s) has contributed to the actual intellectual writing of the original article or rewriting or improving the main point of the article and shares the credit for the contents of the article.
  • 3. This article has never been published in the past and there is no plan to publish the article in any other journals in future nor has ever been forwarded currently for publication.
  • 4. The author(s) of this article delegates all authority to exercise the rights, the profit, and the authorship to the Korean Journal of Family Medicine in the case of publication in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine. If the author(s) decides to use the publicized article in another journal, they must seek permission in paper from the Korean Journal of Family Medicine and should reveal that the article has been already publicized. Also, they understand the fact that all other rights other than the authorship, namely, applying for a patent or utilizing a part or all contents of the article in writing another article, is owned.


Author’s name _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
  _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Official journal of
Korean Academy of
Family Medicine
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  • Journal Impact Factor 1.4
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Tel: +82-2-3210-1537    Tax: +82-2-3210-1538    E-mail: kjfm@kafm.or.kr                

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