Cost-effectiveness of routine chest x-ray examination to direct newchest abnormal findings in university freshmen. |
Gye Sook Aum, Hyun Rim Choi |
대학 신입생의 신체검사에서 흉부엑스선 촬영의 효요성 |
최현림, 엄교숙 |
경희대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
Routine chest X-ray examination has been taken to detect chest abnormality, especially for pulmonary tuberculosis in university freshmen since 1969. These days the prevalence rate of pulmonary tuberculosis is decreased considerably owing to these effect and the value of routine chest X-ray examination is decreased. So we analyzed the chest X-ray films of 5,775 freshmen of 6 universities in 1991 and performed questionnaire in 82 students radiologically associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in order to determine of new chest abnormality in university freshmen.
The results were as follows; 1. Finally significant chest X-ray abnormality by standard chest X-ray technique were 87 cases(1.4%); active pulmonary tuberculosis 40, inactive pulmonary tuberculosis 18, undetermined activity 22, pleural effusion 2, pneumothorax 2, others 3. 2. Among 82 students with chest X-ray abnormality associated with pulmonary tuberculosis, newly diagnosed patients were estimated 22(28.9%) and there was one case of pneumothorax who needed treatment. So, newly diagnosed case which needed treatment by routine chest X-ray examination were estimated as 25(0.4%). 3. Among newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients, 15 patients(68.2%) had subjective symptoms when they were diagnosed. 4. There were 5 students(15.2%) who were not under required therapy or follow-up among 76 respondents. In conclusion, present study showed low efficiency of routine chest X-ray examination to detect new chest abnormality in university freshmen in 1991. We recommend the change of routine chest X-ray examination to select examination through questionnaire and physical examination, and serological test for HBV is more effective in aspect of cost-effectiveness. |