J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(6):1-9.
Published online June 1, 1991.
Nutritional status of a nursing home residents and its sexualdifference.
Yeon Hoon Joo, Eal Hwan Park, Tai Woo Yoo, Nak Jin Seong, Bong Yul Huh
한 양로원 노인의 성별에 따른 영양실태 조사
허봉렬, 유태우, 박일환, 주연훈, 성낙진
서울대학교병원 가정의학교실
143 elderly who are staying in nursing home in Gyounggi-do are studied in terms of nutrional evaluation.
1. The proportion of smaller diet is higher in the age of 85 and more than any other age group.
2. The values of measurement of obesity index, BMI, and thickness of mid upperarm are significantly higher in female(P<0.50)
3. The prevalences of anemia according to hemoglobin level are 33.3% in men and 20.9% in female. However hemoglobin level less than 10.0g/dl are observed only in female.
4. Hypocalcemia are identified among 37.3% in male and 50% in female.
5. The levels of phosphorus are not significantly different in terms of age and sex.
6. hypoalbuminemia are identified among 17.6% in men and 27.2% in female.
This difference is statistically significant(P<0.05) and the level of albumin is inversely correlated with age.
7. means of cholesterol level are 184.7 mg/dl in female and 152.1mg/dl in men. The higher level in female may be related with the higher obesity rate.


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