With a high prevalence of 35% to 45% in men and 15% to 28% in women, snoring is a common health problem and a major symptom of sleep disordered breathing.
1,2) Sleep apnea accompanying excessive sleepiness is also a relatively common disease with prevalence rates of 3% to 7% in men and 2% to 5% in women.
3) According to a 2004 report, prevalence rates of sleep apnea among middle-aged Korean adults were 4.5% for men and 3.2% for women.
With the recently discovered associations between sleep disordered breathing and daytime sleepiness, decreased concentration and intellectual ability, common causes of secondary hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and so on, there is an increasing interest in sleep apnea.
3) In terms of physical characteristics, habitual snorers are generally known to have obese bodies, thick necks, small jaws and oral cavities, and large tongues.
5) In support of this, several published reports have implied independent associations between thick necks as measured by neck circumference and snoring, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular risk factors.
6,7,8) However, virtually no evidence supports the notion that short necks are related to sleep disordered breathing or cardiovascular disease. One of the few studies on this topic, which was conducted with rheumatoid arthritis patients, reported that individuals with sleep apnea had shorter cervical spines as measured by cervical spine radiography but no objective indicators concerning physical neck measurements.
9) Also, another study that examined the anthropometric characteristics of obstructive sleep apnea patients in relation to rapid eye movement sleep included neck length measurements from the mastoid part of the temporal bone to the clavicle.
10) Thus, in order to explore the association of neck length with sleep and cardiovascular risk factors, we used a measuring tape to measure the midline neck length (MNL) and the lateral neck length (LNL) of each subject in the consulting room.
The purposes of this study were to explore the association of a short neck with sleep disordered breathing and cardiovascular risk factors and to evaluate the methods of measuring neck length with regard to the relationship. As a result, we learned that a short neck length has some correlation with snoring, with the MNL showing a greater correlation than the LNL in most of the categories examined. Short MNL also showed a significant correlation to cardiovascular risk factors among women but no correlation among men. Total sleep time, sleep latency, and waking up refreshed had no correlation with neck length.
Snoring is the sound produced when breathing air passes through the upper airways and vibrates the structures in the pharynx region while sleeping. Snoring used to be considered a sign of sound sleep in the past, but recent findings have indicated that snoring is a symptom of sleep-disordered breathing, which not only interferes with one's family or community life because of the noise but also is a cardiovascular risk factor. The ratio of habitual snorers who snore at least 4 times a week was 27% and 9.7% for men and women, respectively, in this study. This was slightly more than the ratio of 19.5% for men found by Oh and Cho
11) and showed similar patterns with the prevalence rates of 24% for men and 10% for women in a study of individuals in Japan.
12) The slight difference between this study and that of Oh and Cho.
11) is thought to be the fact that the average age of subjects in this study was about 8 years older. In this study, we defined sleep apnea as the subject's apnea witnessed by his or her partner at least once a week, and the prevalence rate was found to be 23% and 3.2% for men and women, respectively. In a study of 5,020 middle-aged men and women in Korea, the prevalence rate of sleep apnea with an apnea hypopnea index score of 5 and higher was 27% and 16% for men and women, respectively.
4) While this study showed a similar prevalence rate for men, the prevalence rate for women in this study was lower, perhaps because most of the subjects were lighter weight young women.
Male habitual snorers were generally found to have shorter LNLs and MNLs, while female habitual snorers were found to have shorter MNLs. Those who snored bad enough to annoy their sleep partners were generally found to have shorter MNLs, and there were no differences in neck lengths regarding the intensity of the snoring noise. In other words, snoring was found to have some correlation to neck length, with a possibly close correlation to shorter MNLs. A study of residents in Ansan, Korea, reported a positive correlation between short neck length and snoring among women but no differences among men.
13) However, this particular report did not state any methods used to measure neck length. No further studies on the correlation of neck length and snoring could be found.
In this study, sleep apnea as reported by sleep partners was found to have no significant differences in all neck length height ratios among men. However, a report of a boy with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
14) and a study of rheumatoid arthritis patients
9) reported that a short neck was related to sleep apnea. While thick necks are known to be prone to fat deposition in the soft tissue of the upper airways, which obstructs the upper airways and causes snoring and sleep apnea, the mechanism of short necks causing snoring or sleep apnea is unknown. Nevertheless, the correlation analysis of obesity and neck lengths in our subjects with values adjusted for age and sex revealed highly negative correlations of obesity to the MNL (r = -0.215, P = 0.001) and the LNL (r = -0.140, P = 0.031). It is thought that obese individuals have body shapes that usually feature shorter necks.
In this study, we found that men with sleep apnea tended to have longer MHL, which is consistent with the lateral cephalometric radiograph findings of several studies.
15,16) Although American and European studies have pointed out obesity as the most common cause of sleep apnea, the number of non-obese individuals complaining of sleep apnea is greater in Asia than in the West. A study that attempted to analyze skeletal characteristics and soft tissue structure of Asian patients reported the lower-positioned hyoid bone as a key characteristic of sleep apnea.
17) Susarla et al.
18) also reported that individuals with longer distances from the base of the maxillary sinus to the upper margin of the hyoid bone have longer soft-tissue upper airways with greater air resistance, resulting in severe sleep apnea.
In this study, we obtained the MHL by subtracting the MNL from the LNL instead of taking direct measurements. This method was chosen because it is not easy to directly measure this length with a measuring tape. Since the correlation analysis of the MHL and the MNL among the subjects of this study, with the values adjusted for age and sex, showed a highly negative correlation (r = -0.636, P < 0.001), applying the MNL, i.e., the distance from the upper margin of the hyoid bone to the jugular notch, reversely may be a viable method in the clinical context. In terms of anthropometrics, individuals with longer soft-tissue upper airways and shorter lengths from the upper margin of the midline hyoid bone to the jugular notch are thought to be more susceptible to sleep-disordered breathing.
Men generally showed little correlation between neck length and cardiovascular risk factors, but those with cardiovascular risk factors tended to have slightly shorter LNLs than MNLs. On the other hand, women with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or metabolic syndrome had significantly shorter MNLs. It has been reported that neck circumference is an indicator of subcutaneous fat distribution in the upper body, is closely related to insulin resistance, and acts as an independent cardiovascular disease risk factor.
19) However, no study concerning neck length has been done. Sleep apnea is a major cardiovascular risk factor, as it causes insulin resistance, activates the sympathetic nervous system, and activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis through repetitive hypoxia and sleep fragmentation. Recent studies have shown that snoring is independently correlated to metabolic syndrome,
10) cardiovascular disease,
20) and carotid atherosclerosis.
It is quite interesting that women exhibited a greater correlation of MNL not only to snoring or sleep apnea but also to cardiovascular risk factors than men. Such prominent differences are thought to be because women are less exposed to environmental factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption.
The limitations of this study include, firstly, that the study could not include a wide range of population groups, but the majority of the subjects were confined to relatively healthy middle-aged men because of the difficulties involved in measuring the neck circumference, waist circumference, MNL, LNL, etc., with a measuring tape. Secondly, although each measurement was taken twice to minimize the error that could be caused by the position or condition of the patient, it is thought that the degree of errors between individuals would not be negligible. Nonetheless, this study is a meaningful first attempt in measuring neck length. When conducting future studies on neck length, it might be interesting to measure MNL in the reclining position and in the sitting position and compare the results. Another idea would be to examine the relative condition of the neck length to the neck circumference with regard to sleep-disordered breathing and cardiovascular risk factors.
In conclusion, it was found that short necks, especially those with short MNLs, are related to snoring to some extent and short necks among women are related to cardiovascular risk factors.