J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2001;22(1):87-95.
Published online January 1, 2001.
The association between dietary fat and body fat in obese adults.
Ka Young Lee, Ki Jung Kim
1Department of Family Medicine, Inje Medical School Pusan Paik Hospital.
2Department of Nutrition, Inje Medical School Pusan Paik Hospital.
비만한 성인에서 지방 섭취량과 체지방의 관련성
이가영, 김기정
: There are different opinions on whether the percentage of dietary fat is associated with the development of obesity and on it's treatment. In this country, dietary fat intake has been smaller compared to the Western countries. The purpose of this study was to find whether intake of dietary fat is related to percentage body fat in obese adults cross-sectionally.

Methods : Nutrient intake form 24-hour dietary recall and percent body fat from bioelectrical impedance method were measured in 51 obese adults. Total energy intake was associated with intake of dietary fat and body size. Thus, the association of intake of dietary fat and three types of fat with percentage body fat were examined after adjustment for total energy intake by using 4 statistical models (standard multivariate model, and nutrient residual model, energy-partition model, and multivariate nutrient density model).

Results : In all of these models, the results for types of fat and total fat showed similar results. Higher intake of total fat, saturated and polyunsaturated fat was associated with increased percentage body fat, while higher intake of monounsaturated fat was associated with decreased percentage body fat.

Conclusion : We found positive association between dietary intake of fat and percentage body fat in obese adults. Our results suggest that reducing fat intake would be a helpful way to prevent and treat obesity in adults.
연구배경 : 식이를 통한 지방의 섭취량과 비만증의 발생 및 치료의 관련성에 관하여 견해들이 상충되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 전통적으로 서구에 비하여 식이를 통한 지방 섭취량이 적은 편인 우리나라에서도 비만한 성인들에서 지방의 섭취량과 체지방률간에 관련성이 있는 지를 단면적으로 알아보았다.

방법 : 51명의 비만한 성인들에게 24시간 식이 회상법을 이용하여 식이 섭취량을 조사하고 생체전기 저항법을 이용하여 체지방률을 측정하였다. 지방 섭취량 및 체격과 관련성이 많은 총열


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