A survey of knowledge, attitude and practice on early detection of breast cancer. |
Jung Wan Kwon, Beong Hwa Keum, Yong June Kang, Mee Koung Oh, Hye Ree Lee, Bang Bu Youn |
유방암 조기 발견에 대한 지식 , 태도 , 실천 조사 |
권정완, 금병화, 강용준, 오미경, 이혜리, 윤방부 |
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학과교실 |
Abstract |
For women in Korea, the overall incidence of breast cancer has been increasing recently. Long-term survival in breast cancer currently rests on detection and appropriate therapy at the earliest possible stage, with survival being excellent in patients whose cnacers are discovered at small size and without dissemination. Discovery of lesions at the smallest possible size is therefore desirable. From July 1st, 1990 through Sep. 30th, 1990, KAP on early detection of breast cancer survey among 260 women over age 35 was carried out at Youngdong Severance, Chungmu and Cha Hospital. The results were as follows: 1. Film-mammography users are better educated(p<0.05) and higher economic status(p<0.05) than nonusers. 2. Regarding BSE(Breast Self Examination), 17.7% said they practiced BSE monthly and there is no significant difference on practical aspect of BSE between users and nonusers. 3. Women's attitudes toward breast cancer, users have more appropriate insight(p<0.05). 4. Women's attitudes toward screening mammography, users show more active response on breast cancer screening in asymptomatic period(p<0.05), and 58.7% women knew that mammography was useful in detecting breast cancer at an early stage. 5. When nonusers were asked why they did not have a mammography, the most common responses related to poor information(27.9%) and not knowing the test was necessary(22.1%). 6. The experience of film-mammography itself dose not seem to be a negative one, and more acceptible cost was cited for screening test. |