Physicians, knowledge, attitude and practice for quit smokingcounseling. |
Kang Sook Lee, Hyun Sook Kim, Se Jung Yang, Ho Cheol Shin, Eun Sook Park, Tae Jun Lee, Kwang Ho Meng |
금연상담에 대한 주치의사의 지식 , 태도 , 실천 |
이강숙, 김현숙, 양세정, 신호철, 박은숙, 이태준, 맹광호 |
가톨릭의과대학 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
Smoking is one of the major health risk factors of various chronic conditions of cardiovascular and pulmonary system and it is known that the practice of quit smoking through the advice of physicians who frequently contact smokers can prevent much of those conditions. The purpose of this study was to survey the physicians' knowledge, attitude and practice on smoking and their practice of advice of quit smoking for the smoking patients. During one month in Sep. 1989, we sent out the questionnaire by mail, and made telephones, and interviews to physicians of selected health maintenace organizations(HMO) and general hospitals. Data were statistically analyzed by X²-test. The results obtained from the study were as follows. 1. Among total 70 repondents, HMO physicians such as preventive medicine practitioners were 14 and the rest of them were clinicians working at the departments of internal medicine and family medicine. In age distribution, HMO physicians were much older than clinicians 21.4 percent of HMO physicians and 25.0 percent of clinicians were women doctors. 2. Out of 14 HMO physicians, 5(35.7%) never smoked whereas 51.8% of clinicians did not smoke ever. However, current smokers were fewer among HMO physicians(28.6%) than clinicians(41.1%). 59.3% of currently smoking physicians were planning to quit smoking. 3. Of the total, 91.4% said that smoking was extremely dangerous to health, 82.6% responded that counseling about smoking was valuable for smokers to quit and they were quite effective. However, 74.3% did not pay as much attention as they should for counseling about smoking. 4. 14.3% of HMO physicians and clinicians did not spend any minute for smoking counseling. Half of the HMO physicians were advising their patients to quit smoking every time they visit the physicians whereas only 12.5% of clinicians were doing same practice(p<0.05). 5. In actual practice of smoking counseling, more clinicians were recording smoking history of the patients on the charts than HMO physicians(p<0.05). However, giving educational materials, putting slogans or posters for quit smoking in clinics and referring smokers to stop smoking program were practiced more frequently by HMO physicians than clinicians. Practice of putting slogans or posters were statistically different(p<0.05). 6. The most important barrier in helping patients to quit smoking was lack of training for counseling(71.4%) and the next was not enough time(66.3%) and the third was smokers not interested in smoking counseling(54.3%). In conclusion, almost physicians had a positive attitude that smoking was extremely dangerous to health but did not practice well and most important barrier of counseling about quit smoking was lack of training for counseling skill. So this study suggests that giving motivation and the educational training about detail methods of quit smoking and changing life style for health maintenence in both of HMO physicians and clinicians is very much important. |