J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(1):22-29.
Published online January 1, 1991.
A clinical study on attempted suicide with drug in the rural area.
Mong Ha Park, Yong Kyun Roh, Jae Hweon Kim, Eui Jung Hwang, Myung Ho Hong
농촌지역에서의 약물을 이용한 자살기도에 대한 임상적 고찰
황의정, 홍명호, 박몽하, 노용균, 김재훤
고려대학교의과대학 구로병원 가정의학과
The suicide with using drugs is becoming a serious social problem. There have been many general studies of suicides, but the studies the suicide with using drugs in the rural areas have not been done well, Especially, in the rural areas agricultural chemicals which can be taken easily are the main ways to attempt suicide. So, the authors studied this phenomenon and analyzed it.
We analyzed the 118 people who attempted suicide with drugs. These are some of the patients who visited Yeo Ju Hospital emergency room from March, 1987 to February, 1989. The results were as follows:
1) Considering the people who attempted suicide by drugs, the ratio of male to female was 1 to 1(male : 59, female : 59), the age distribution rate of both sex between 30 and 39 years old was 24.6%, and that of between 20 and 29 years old was 23.7%, and the age distribution of men was even while the rate of women between 20 and 29 years old was 30.5%, and between 30 and 39 years old was 30.5%.
2) Seasonally, 30.5% of suicides ware attempted in spring, 26.3% in summer, 22.9% in autumn, and 20.3% in winter.
3) 66.1% of men and 54.2% of women used agricultural chemicals, and they also used rodenticide, tranquilizer, hypnotic, glacial acetic acid, etc.
4) For men, 50% of suicides were motivated by home disords, among which 92.3% were the discords between the family except wives, and other motives of suicides were pessimism of himself, failure of business, conflicts with coworkers, etc. For women, 61.9% of the motives of herself, violences of husbands were one of those motives.
5) 61.8% of the who attempted suicides were farmers and some of them were office workers, merchants, students, etc. And 47.4% of them were Buddists, 15.4% Christians, and 3.8% Catholics, and the rest of them have not any religion.
6) 32.5% of them graduated from high school, and 27.3% middle school.
7) 50% of them attempted suicide between 18 and 24 O'clock, and 89.2% of them attempted suicide at their homes.
8) All of those who answered to a questionary did not leave testament, and 82.3% of them did not give any hint to commit suicide.
9) In the process of management, 62.1% of them were hospitalized, among which 60% left the hospital voluntarily, 37% left the hospital after being healthy, 3% died, 27.9% left voluntarily at the emergency room and 6.3% moved to the other hospital.


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